Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hot Honey Lemon Tea 热蜜糖柠檬茶

Girls, do you want to make a quick honey lemon tea to soothe your throat when you have a cool?
Here are the simple steps to make hot honey lemon tea. Ready in less than 30 minutes.

Lemon juice helps us to combat cold and honey soothes the throat. 

Put 1200ml water into a pot. Place on the stove and bring to the boiling point. Drop one tea bag into the boiling water. (Girls, you can use 2-3 tea bags if you really like the strong tea taste. ) Let the tea infuse in the water for 6 to 8 minutes. 
Girls, you can make sweet tea with any kind of tea, but Lipton are mom's usual choice. After steeping tea bag in the hot water for 8 minutes, gently squeeze excess water from tea bag. Then remove the tea bag.
孩子,你可以选择任何牌子的茶包来弄这饮料,然而Lipton 是妈妈平日的选择。当茶包在热水里浸泡8分钟后,轻轻地把多余的水分挤出,然后把茶包拿掉。

Remove tea bag. Girls, be very careful not to overcook. Bitterness in tea is caused by overcooking.
Add rock sugar if the water turned brown. Mom likes to use rock sugar for tea because it is the kind of sweetness where mom enjoyed the most.
Rock sugar sweetens tea without overwhelming the natural flavour of the tea.

Add in 70-80 g of rock sugar. Use low fire to boil until sugar dissolved. Increase sugar as needed to your sweetness level. 
Soak one lemon in a bowl of warm water with baking soda. Baking soda can remove the wax from the skin of the fruits.
Place the lemon on a cutting board and cut one half into four slices.

Squeeze the juice from the other half into a bowl.
Mix the fresh lemon juice into the hot tea.

Girls, before adding honey, wait for the lemon tea to cool down instead of hot.

Stir 60-70ml honey into the mixture.

Pour mixture into drinking glasses and serve.
Garnish with a lemon slice.
Drop a slice of lemon in the tea. Girls, this glass of honey lemon tea provides quite excellent sweet and sour taste.

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